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Saining Smudge Herbal Incense Stick - Small

One herbal smudge saining stick, small-medium sized. I have a variety of homegrown herbal smudge stick blends. Note this is just one incense stick - these in the photos are tied together just for the convenience of drying and labelling. 

New stock of homemade saining incense or "smudge sticks" using various herb blends. Smudging is an American term for the more familiar native american tradition that has spread more in recent years, so perhaps I should call this "smudging inspired" or "native American-inspired" incense, as as much as I love and respect native American religion and tradition and can recognise a huge amount of common ground in the relationship with nature, the environment and the pagan traditions, apart from being bound and used in a very specific way their smudge sticks also commonly use the likes of white sage and sweetgrass, plants which I currently lack access to. I am currently experimenting with various aromatic blends using suitable cleansing and beneficial herbs, the vast majority of which are grown and gathered at home. For the sake of convenience, I will also refer to these by the common English name "smudge sticks".

Incense has long been used in European tradition too, one such practice known as "saining" in Celtic territory, which I believe often uses mugwort, long used as incense along with juniper in Europe, but again lacking both of these at the moment I go for the next best options, usually common sage, rosemary, lavender, thyme, the mint family and various other wild and cultivated herbs suitable for this purpose. 

Currently in stock :
-LARGE blends using likes of tansy, sage, rosemary, mace, mint, lemon balm and bay.
-Lavender, mint, rosemary and sweet cicely (a wild native, sweet cicely has a sweet aniseed-like aroma and taste)
-Bay leaf, ground ivy, lemon balm, sage and southernwood (Southernwood, a very aromatic bitter plant also used as a natural insect repellent, is in the Artemisia/wormwood family, so the closest I currently have to traditionally used mugwort in my blends)
-Bay leaf, fennel, lavender, lovage, olive leaf and mint
-Lesser Celandine, daisy, ground ivy, lemon balm and pine needle (Lesser celandine and daisies are familiar signs of spring and perfectly safe and edible, but included in this blend more for decorative purposes)
-"Scarborough Fair" (parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme)
- "Sleepy" blends using hops, lavender and chamomile, all homegrown
-Alecost, olive leaf, lavender and mint (Alecost as a herb as a bitter minty aroma and taste and was once used in beer brewing)
-Lavender, sage, rosemary and thyme
-Bay leaf, ground ivy, rosemary and southernwood (ground ivy is in the mint/dead nettle family with a similar taste and aroma to sage.)
-Lavender, lemon balm, rosemary and sage
-Bay leaf, lavender, lemon balm and rosemary
-Bay leaf, lavender, mint, rosemary and sage

Saining Smudge Herbal Incense Stick - Small


    Sussex-based folk arts and crafts focusing on nature and myths. Artwork,  prints, gifts, woodcarving, pyrography, glass engraving, writing on folklore, homegrown herbal incense and more. Enter a mystical and enchanting world of lovingly crafted gifts and art.

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